In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order. S1: You know my wife, Madhavi, always urged me to give up smoking.P : I really gave it up.Q : And so When I went to jail I said to myself I really must give it up, if for no other reason than of being self-reliant.R : When I emerged from jail, I wanted to tell her of my great triumph.S : But when I met her, there she was with a packet of cigarettes.S6: poor girl!.The Proper sequence should be:


In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order. S1: We and all other animals breathe in and breathe out air all the time.P: If we stop breathing, we die.Q: It is because of this fact that we are able to live.R: It is called the atmosphere.S: All parts of the earth are surrounded by air.S6: It is a part of the earth.The Proper sequence should be:


S1: Hungary, with a population of about 10 million, lies between Czechoslovakia to the north and Yugoslavia to the south. P : Here a great deal of grain is grown. Q : In recent years, however, progress has been made also in the field of industrialisation. R : Most of this country consists of an extremely fertile plain, through which the river Danube flows. S : In addition to grain, the plain produces potatoes, sugar, wine and livestock. S6: The new industries derive mainly from agricultural production. The Proper sequence should be:


In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order. S1: Science means finding out how things actually do happen.P: He showed that a light object falls to the ground at the same rate as a heavy object.Q: It does not mean laying down principles as to how they ought to happen.R: This did not agree with the views of most learned men of that time.S: The most famous example of this concerns Galileo's discovery about falling bodies.S6: But Galileo proved his point experimentally by dropping weights from the Leaning Tower of Pisa.The Proper sequence should be:


In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order. S1: Yawning or its absence has been related to various clinical conditions.P: Interestingly, some clinicians claim that those with acute physical illness don't yawn until they are on road to recovery.Q: It can be a symptom of brain lesions, haemorrhage, motion sickness and encephalitis.R: But what is currently known about yawning is essentially anecdotal, mostly because the yawn has not got the respect it deserves.S: On the other hand, it has been reported that psychotics rarely yawn, except those suffering from brain damage.S6: It is in reality a releasing stimulus.The Proper sequence should be:


In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order. S1: It was a dark moonless night.P : He turned over the pages, reading passages here and there.Q : He heard them on the floor.R : The poet took down his books of poems from his shelves.S : Some of them contained his earliest writings which he had almost forgotten.S6: They all seemed to him to be poor and ordinary mere childish words.The Proper sequence should be:


S1: There were no finger prints anywhere. P: First of all it was impossible even for a child to enter through the hole in the roof. Q: When the investigators tried to reconstruct the crime, they came up against facts. R: Moreover, when the detectives tried to push a silver vase, it was found to be double the sizeof the hole. S: Again, the size of the hole was examined by the experts who said that nothing had been passed through it. S6: These conclusions made the detectives think that it was a fake theft. The Proper sequence should be:


In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order. S1: After the firing that evening the street that used to be full of people was completely deserted.P: Nor were any windows open or lighted.Q: Suddenly I detected a movement to my left.R: There was no trace of any human being and all doors were firmly closed.S: Surprisingly, even the stray dogs had disappeared.S6: I was so frightened that I ran for my life.The Proper sequence should be:


S1: There is a touching story of Professor Hardy visiting Ramanujan as he lay desperately ill in hospital at Putney. P: "No Hardy, that is not a dull number in the very least. Q: Hardy, who was a very shy man, could not find the words for his distress. R: It was 1729. S: The best he could do, as he got to the bedside was : "I say, Ramanujan, I thought the number of the taxi I came down in was a very dull number." S6: It is the lowest number that can be expressed in two different ways as the sum of two cubes." The Proper sequence should be:


In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order. S1: Ms. Parasuram started a Petrol Pump in Madras.P : A total to 12 girls now work at the pump.Q : She advertised in newspapers for women staff.R : They operate in 2 shifts.S : The response was good.S6: Thus she has shown the way for many others.The Proper sequence should be: