Komalika Beri belongs to which sport? Cricket Lawn Tennis Archery Badminton TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Abdul Ghani Baradar, Taliban leader, is likely to be the new President of which country? Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Pakistan Afghanistan TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Gerd Muller, who has passed away, belongs to which game? Cricket Football Badminton Hockey TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Chinmoy Chatterjee, who has passed away, is associated with which game? Shooting Wrestling Football Cricket TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Bhindawas, which has been recently added to Indian Ramsar Sites is in which state? Punjab Madhya Pradesh Rajasthan Haryana TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Muhyiddin Yassin has resigned as the Prime Minister of which country? Libya Indonesia Malaysia Japan TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
India will be energy independent country by which year? 2030 2050 2045 2047 TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Who has become the 69th Grandmaster of India? Harshit Raja Pooja Desai Dennis Wagner Ravi Chugh TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
The legislative assembly of which state has presented a separate budget for Agriculture? Ladakh Gujarat Tamil Nadu Telangana TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Puducherry celebrated its De Jure Transfer Day on which date? August 15 August 16 August 14 August 17 TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?